The Center creates innovative in-person and online educational programming for undergraduates, graduate students, and life learners as part of our commitment to train professionals who can creatively address emerging security challenges, mitigate the complex impact of conflict, and support human rights and humanitarian goals.
The Center has taught hundreds of students, mentored undergraduate and graduate students including over four dozen Student Research Fellows (including winners of Marshall and Fulbright awards) who work directly with Faculty, Fellows, Affiliated Faculty, and others. The Center recently launched a new graduate Certificate in Global Security and Competitive Statecraft and also supports the accelerated Masters program which allows undergraduate majors in the School of Politics and Global Studies to link their BA/BS with an MA in Global Security.
In addition, the Center partners with other ASU entities, universities in the PLuS Alliance, and others to support a variety of educational initiatives.

MA in Global Security
The Center has created a new model for professional online graduate security education through the MA in Global Security (MAGS). The program links students with expert Center Faculty including Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporters, retired flag officers, former heads of major humanitarian organizations, former high-level government officials, and top academics.
Through flexible online education, it allows students from diverse backgrounds to study directly with recognized thought leaders from various fields. Coursework focuses on identifying major trends in global security and developing key critical thinking skills.
The MAGS can be completed in a calendar year. The average age of students in the program is early-30s and most of whom work full or part-time while studying. Nearly 40 percent of the student body are in the military or veterans, around 40 percent are minorities, and over 35 percent are women. The program consistently receives top ratings from students, many of whom have used their training to advance careers in multiple security-related fields. By the end of the 2021-2022 academic year, the program had over 170 current students and more than 250 graduates.